Student Life & Leadership

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassador logo


Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Student Ambassadors are a prestigious team of top student leaders who participate in special events in an official capacity. These students act as liaisons between the college and prospective students, their families, guests, alumni, business partners and friends of the college. The Ambassador program provides student leaders to assist in Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation efforts, college outreach efforts, campus wide events, and promote the image of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.

Student Benefits

  • Leadership training and professional development opportunities
  • Experience in public relations and public speaking
  • Development of skills and confidence vital to success in job interviews and career advancement
  • Networking opportunities with faculty, staff, students and administration
  • Enhanced connection to the College community
  • Monetary stipend up to $1,200 annually
  • Collegiate attire (shirt, blazer, slacks) and official name tag

Ambassador Selection Criteria

Student must exhibit:

  • Sincere desire to represent Rowan-Cabarrus
  • Effective speaking skills
  • Ability to make a positive first impression and work well with others
  • Capacity to adapt to a variety of situations
  • Responsibility and dependability
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA minimum
  • Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours

Student Ambassador Obligations

  • Commitment to the Ambassador activities (40 hours of service per semester, not including orientation leadership training in August).
  • High standards of academic honesty and responsible behavior
  • Dedication to the group and ability to commit necessary time (average 2 ½ hours a week)

Ambassador Activities

Student Ambassadors will have a number of opportunities to be active representatives for on-campus activities and outreach programs. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to, providing campus tours to groups and special guests, assisting during special events and college sponsored activities, participating in Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Foundation activities, and visiting area high schools and college fairs with Admissions staff members. Students will be given options to commit to specific activities that best suit their interests and schedules. Ambassadors will:

  • Serve August – May
  • Complete Ambassador Orientation at the start of service
  • Attend a monthly meeting
  • Commit to orientation and to attend mandatory leadership training.
  • Mandatory Activities-Graduation, convocation, leadership training and monthly meetings.

To Apply

If you would like to be involved in other student leadership opportunities for the academic year, please complete the Student Leadership Application and submit to the student life office.